Top 5 home exercise to lose belly fat

Top 5 home exercise to lose belly fat

Top 5 home exercise to lose belly fat

Belly fat is not just looking ugly but it is also dangerous kind of fat in human body. People who have belly fat there is high chances of being diabetes, stroke and heart disease. The belly fat is officially the bane of our existence. The best way to lose belly fat is through exercising. You should exercise daily an hour if your target is to lose belly fat from body.

There are top 5 exercise which help to lose belly fat. If you regularly exercise than your belly fat will lose in no time.

1. Crunches

Crunches help to burn belly fat faster than others. Not only this according to experts it is the number one choice for fat burning exercise. It helps your lower and uper abs which is perfect exercise for losing belly fat. In this exercise you should lying down your back, flex your knee and put feet on the ground. Your hands should be behind your head or should be crossed on your chest. Then lift your upper torso and try to reach in your knees with head then breathe out and again breathe in deeply when you back down. Do this 2 to 3 sets of reps.

2. Mountain Climber

It is great exercise in outdoor. It requires to go outdoor which some people can be irritated for doing this. But who exercise in home you can still perform without climbing mountain which excellent for burning unwanted belly fat. To do this exercise you should lie down and lift one foot a little bit and bend knee while you pull it up until between the floor and front your body. Then move leg back to original position and repeat the same with other knee. Do this for 1 to 2 sets 10 reps.

3. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches not only lose belly fat but also helps to achieve sculpted abdomen. To start these exercise you should lie down in flat position with your hands at your side interlock fingers behind head. You can also hold the back your head with finger. Then lift headoff the floor now, push right leg down and extend it straight. Curl your body and turn to your right at same time. Then try to touch right elbow with left knee. After curling bring right leg back to flexed position. Do this same with left leg with 2 sets 12 reps.

4. Lying Leg Raises

This exercise helps in lower and upper abs, quads, glutes, hamstring. Lying leg raises is perfect for reducing stomach fat and toning abs. To start these exercise you should lie down in ground. Then put hands on your side with palms on the ground. By doing this then slightly raise feet off until no longer touch ground. Then look at up to sky or ceiling and lift leg to 90 degree and bring them down. Before legs reach the floor again lift your legs. Do this for 3 sets of 15 reps.

5. Forearm plane

This is most perform exercise widely. This exercise is like a push-up position with holding forearm and toes your body weight. At the first place your forearm on the ground then your elbow should be below your shoulder while arms should be parallel to each other. Then lift body into push-up postion. This should be done until your body is fully supported by your forearm and toes. This exercise should be done 30 to 60 seconds.

By doing this exercise daily in your home you can lose your belly fat easily. And you will be fit and fine and you can enjoy your healthy life

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