Top 11 habits helps to lose weight
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Top 11 habits helps to lose weight
Eleven habits that can help you lose weight fast admit it. Not all of us have the best eating habits but if you can recognize what you're doing wrong it'll empower you to change your ways at least. According to certified dietician kathleen Zelman she says that breaking bad eating habits and replacing them with good ones is the key to effective weight loss and if you take on an overall healthy lifestyle the benefits will only be multiplied besides shedding unwanted pounds. You'll have a stronger body and a happier spirit so let's see exactly what you should and shouldn't do if you want to lose that extra weight for good stick.1. Avoid fat free products
A study published in the Journal of the Association for consumer research showed that people who consumed products that were labeled fat-free found them less filling and ended up eating more. To satisfy their appetite you see in order to replace fats these foods are filled with low performing carbs that get digested so fast that the feeling of hunger quickly comes back. This means that you'll need more in order to fill your stomach resulting in weight gain.2. Get six to eight hours of sleep a day
Researchers at Wake Forest Medical Center have found that people who sleep five or fewer hours at night put on over two times more belly fat than those who get an average of six to eight hours of sleep a night. This is especially true for people under 40 not sleeping as much as you should makes you feel hungry. Even if you're not and that's because sleep loss affects the secretion of cortisol a hormone that regulates the appetite.3. Don't drink Coffee
Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning no breakfast, no shower, no talking only coffee. Well looks like we're doing some real damage to our bodies by drinking coffee with nothing in our stomach. Dr. Adam Simon, the chief medical officer at Busch doctor explains that when coffee enters an empty stomach it will produce acid that can damage your stomach lining and cause indigestion Plus coffee stresses your body out causing it to store fat.4. Don't watch TV or listen to music while eating
Researchers at the University of Vermont found that overweight people who reduce their TV time by 50% burned an average of 119 more calories a day. Another study published on the journal food quality and preference showed that people who ate while listening to music consumes significantly larger amounts than those who dined in silence. This is because the mind is too preoccupied with the surrounding distractions that it doesn't realize you've eaten enough.5. Don't go to the grocery store while hungry
You know what I'm talking about. You go grocery shopping on an empty stomach and end up shoving everything you see into your cart. So you can probably guess what the solution is. Zellman recommends eating something small and healthy before heading to the grocery store it's also imperative to bring a shopping list and stick to it as best as you can. Another really great idea is to sit down and plan your meals for the week ahead. This way you'll know for sure what products you'll need to hunt for.
6. Cut way down on soda
A regular 12 ounce soda contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar that means if you drink only one Can a day you will eventually start putting on. A new study by Harvard th Chan School of Public Health and Mexico's National Institute of Public Health found that women who reduced their soda intake to just one Can a week lost one pound more than. Those who didn't cut back on the sugary bubbly stuff the study lasted from 2006 to 2008 and 11,218 women took part in the research by the end of this period the overweight participants lost a ton of extra pounds just from giving up.7. Cut out after-dinner treats
A lot of people tend to eat something right after dinner and that little treat usually comes in the form of a sweet dessert. Zelman suggest starting a new habit of having a cup of tea or drinking some sparkling water instead of reaching for a sugary snack. Generally you shouldn't eat anything right after a meal because your body gets all the sugar. It needs right from your food so you really don't need anything else to sweeten your life. And if you constantly give your sweet tooth what at once the extra sugar will cause you to gain weight. Now dietitians don't see anything wrong with having healthy treats as part of a nutritionally balanced diet so treat yourself right.8. Don't drink bottled water
This one will probably come as a shock to you. Researchers at Washington State University found that drinking water from plastic bottles can actually be fattening yep, you heard right. Plastic bottles contain BPA which is a chemical that causes fatigue makes you put on weight and disrupts your hormone levels. The study proved that BPA reduces insulin sensitivity and accelerates the formation of adipocytes or fat cells what's even more alarming is that 92% of the participants in the study had trace amounts of BPA in their blood.9. Limit your eating to certain time slots
In 2013 study aptly called timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness. Researchers found that people who eat lunch later between 3 & 4 p.m. lose less weight than those who have had their lunch by 1:30 p.m. A different study showed that no matter how many meals you have a day if you eat the last one before 8 p.m. you'll still consume fewer calories overall. What both studies prove is that having a balanced eating schedule results in satisfying your appetite before you get so hungry that you end up overeating each time you sit down to a meal.10. Starting with a light salad
Make a habit of starting with a light salad. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association published the results of a study that involved giving people a certain type of salad and then a pasta dish afterwards in the end. Those who started with a light salad consumed 7 to 12 percent less of their pasta. While the participants who had a heavier salad actually consumed 8 to 17 percent more of their second meal. This proves that plain salads made from kale spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens without fattening dressings actually help you eat less because they fill you up more.11. Eat the same sized portions whether you're at home or out
I'm sure you've noticed how humongous the portions at restaurants are at least. They're typically bigger than the ones you consume at home. According to nutritionist Judy Caplan, when you eat larger portions your body stores those excess calories as fat. Since it can't do anything else with them eating too large portions a day won't replace five smaller ones and that's because these big sizes slow down your metabolism and cause you to gain weight.If you follow above 11 habits then you will surely lose your weight fast. If you know more then comment below section.
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